I woke up in a rather motivated mood and decided, among other thing like cleaning my room and sorting through my tax paperwork, to write a more simplistic piece just for your reading pleasure. Oh, and more pictures today, because I’m rather tired and not so much up for writing...so these are a few of my favourite things.
Incidentally, I don’t watch the television show ‘Scrubs’, nor do I really like it. I think it’s a bit silly and immature. And further more, this picture I did not actually find myself. I ‘borrowed’ it from someone else’s blog, (cheers to www.velveteenhappiness.blogspot.com) but I quite like it. I like the message in the image.
“Who the hell cares what anybody thinks? Just look into your heart and do whatever the hell makes you happy.”
This is a neat little phrase. I like to think that I live by this mantra, but sadly I do realise that there are plenty people out there who do need this constant sort of reassurance and encouragement in their lives.
Can I just make it absolutely clear now that I’m not getting on my high horse here and pronouncing to the entire world how I’m perfect and totally at one with myself, because that would just be boring, plus I don’t have a horse. I’ve simply wasted too much of my time in the past trying to get my side fringe to look just like the girls off the television, and spent way too many days at the shopping centre trying to find Converse sneakers and skinny jeans which fit and those bracelets which look like tattoos that were so cool in Grade Five. All of that just wasn’t me. I looked a ridiculous fool. It was just so much easier, less expensive and less complicated to just be me. And to the rest of you silly blonde girls at high-school who thought that I was odd, guess what? I was happy all along and you were not. Hey, if it ultimately means that we are all going to be comfortable with ourselves, then I’m all for motivational images. Even if they are a bit cliched and metaphors get tortured a bit.
She lives on Love Street...
If I could possibly live in any era of time, it would be the 1960’s. No shadow of a doubt. Almost every element of my current life is influence by this era in time.
My dress sense: from the mod shift dresses to pea-coats and A-line skirts, every single item in my wardrobe I have purchased with this period of time in mind. The swinging 60’s were all about rebellion, about showing the world who you were and the young staking their claim in modern civilization. It was all about taking the hem lines high and raising eyebrows higher. And that stick-it-to-the-man attitude is lacking in our current fashions here in 2010.
Music: Please do not borrow my iPod unless you are prepared to be bitterly disappointed. I thought Kanye West was a Swedish skier and Usher someone who worked at the theatre. If I check my “Top 25 most played” playlist it reads: Simon and Garfunkel ‘Slip Sliding Away’, Rolling Stones ‘Gimme Shelter’, David Bowie ‘Secret life of Arabia’ and The Doors ‘Love her Madly’. This pleases me. This may not please you so much next time we jump in my car and my iPod is on shuffle. But I will not apologise. Much like the fashion’s of the time, music in the 1960’s was all about young people getting their message out there, and the message was ‘screw you Mum and Dad; I’m doing it my way.’ And I like that. Sorry Mum.
For Veronica...
I’ll just make a few things clear right now. Firstly, for those who don’t know, this is James May; British television presenter of shows such as ‘Top Gear’, ‘James May’s Big Ideas’ and ‘Toy Stories’, as pictured. Secondly, I do not, have not and never will have a ‘thing’ for older men. I once made the mistake of telling my friend Veronica that I wanted a boyfriend like James May; intelligent, witty, and a bit old fashioned with longish hair. Only I wanted someone young, because May’s a wee bit old. And British. Veronica then proceeded to announce all over the internet that I had an attraction to older men. Whilst this was all in jest, I think, I still was embarrassed that people might think I like old men. Because I don’t. I don’t. Ah, Facebook and her follies is a cruel mistress.
So now we’ve established those facts, we can now proceed to bask in the glory that is Mr May. One of the reasons I’ve decided to study journalism one day is because I want his job so badly. All he does all day is laugh and muck around with his mates and gets paid for it. Sounds like a dream. I want to do that for a living. Plus he’s rather witty and he reminds me of this really nice old gentleman who comes into my work on a Wednesday. It makes me happy to sit down and flick on SBS to watch a bit of James May talking about the war, or whatever it is he talks about. His presenting style is so laid-back and factual that he has become like an old friend who stops by my living room on a Thursday evening. It would be rather neat to meet him one day.
What the hell is a jigawatt?
In 1985, the world just became that much more awesome. I won’t deny it; I am obsessed with the Back to the Future trilogy. I can quote nearly the whole film. I know who wrote, directed it and produced it. I’ve watched all the special features on my 4-disk-dvd box set. It is, in street talk, simply the shiz. Don’t ever try to deny that, because we will just get into an argument, and you will lose. If you have not lived yet and sadly have missed out on the privilege of seeing these films, it simply tells the tale of Marty McFly and Doc Brown, who traverse across time in a customized time machine built into a DeLorian.(That’s a type of car for the ignorant.) Then what happens is....oh sod it, I’m not going to bother with explaining it to you. If you haven’t seen it then you don’t deserve to know.
I don’t know what it is that makes me so passionate about these films. I cannot put my finger on what it is that drives my enthusiasm for this piece of cinematography. I just love it so. And Michael J Fox is oh so adorable in this flick. Check out that life savers jacket...
If you don’t know of the greatness that is Alan Partridge, then you have truly missed out in life.
Again, another British figure has made an appearance in today’s piece. To put it simply, Alan Partridge is a simple British man trying to make it as an accomplished television and radio personality. He is simply a legend.
When describing a hot apple pie: ‘It’s hotter than the sun!’
On how hard work has been: "I've been working like a Japanese prisoner of war. But a happy one."
Please youtube him. You won’t be sorry.
These are a few of my favourite things. For now...
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