I was watching Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brian’ on Tuesday night and got to that classic scene where all Brian’s followers are outside his window early in the morning to seek his guidance and Brian tells them “you don’t need to follow anyone! You are all individual!”, to which the crowd replies; “Yes! We are all individual!”. (Again, apologies for the shocking grammar. I just needed to quickly get my point out there.)
(Also if you have not seen ‘Life of Brian’, please treat yourself and rent it from Network Video. You can rent 3 DVD’s for $3.50 a week.)
Anyway; my main contention; I’m growing very tired of all these people with their ‘quirky’ blogs; with their pretty pictures and funny metaphors and vain photographs of themselves which they have clearly taken with their camera set on self timer and quickly thrust upon some tree or bed-stand before the timer goes off.
They all go on about their individuality and how they’re different from everyone else, but after reading ten or so of these blogs not one clearly stood out in my mind. There was no meaning; no point. No discussion of worldly issues, or even issues important to the writer. Bloggers of the world: I don’t want to read a letter about how chairs are awesome, or how your teacher for maths today was “really shit but whatevs”. I don’t care about this “cool and quirky pair of shoes” which you saw in a shop window “and I could just see some magical person wearing them in a forest”. Please. Stop.
Now please don’t get me wrong. Some of these people can actually write. I just finished reading a very imaginative short story involving a bulimic Hermione written by an old school peer. Three cheers to Charlotte; that was the best piece of writing I have read for a very long time. It was dark and witty, but also drew a spotlight to the very real issue of anorexia and other related body image issues in today’s society. If you would like to read; thevelveteenhappiness.blogspot.com/Bravo and kudos. This is what I want! I want cleverly articulated pieces which discuss current issues. I want people to discuss the thematic preoccupations and hidden connotations of, I don’t know, Star Wars or Sale of the Century, if that’s what floats your boat. I want to read short stories and weirdly beautiful poetry. I don’t care what it is you write about, but if you are going to go to the effort of putting it up there in cyberspace, make it something different to the other millions of bloggers out there. Please do not fall victim to this new genre of blogging which seems to have captured (literally) the imagination of everyone. For it seems nowadays that there is only one type of writer out there; the “Quirky Individual”.
In support of today’s piece, I pulled out the trusty dictionary and looked up the meaning of the word ‘individual’. ‘Individual’ means:
-characteristic of a particular person or thing : individual traits of style.
-having a striking or unusual character; original : she creates her own, highly individual, landscapes.
In what manner is discussing what you did in the KCF carpark on the weekend with a person named ‘Splonk’ or whatever his name was striking or of unusual character, when the very next blog I read will discuss pretty much the exact same thing? How is discussing the theoretical magical properties of the quaint teacup you drank from in a cafe characteristic of your persona, unless you have a career in the tea industry or are an antique dealer who specialises in crockery?
Yesterday I read an editorial letter in my local paper written by an 80-year-old man in which he expressed his thoughts on the desalination plant being built in town. He discussed how his family for generations has only ever used tank water and have never had to rely upon the towns main water supply. This gentleman’s main point was that a desalination plant was totally unnecessary as it is not an issue of not having enough water, but using the water that we do have more efficiently. Sir, I tip my hat to you, presuming that I am wearing a hat. Jolly good and all that jazz. Sure, the letter was very long winded and a bit boring, but you spoke with passion and you wrote about something that is dear to you.
Now that I have finished sounding like a VCE English teacher I am going to apologise. Firstly, once again for my terrible prose for this piece, but I was far too distracted and consumed with...not anger, but an emotion very close. More like, ‘passionate discomfort’.
Second apologies go to all you bloggers out there; the ammatures, the professionals and the rest. I sincerely love reading all sorts of blogs. Truly I do. Some of you out there are immensely humerous and witty, and you make me laugh. Some people have fond some unbelievably beautiful photography and artworks out there which I am glad you have decided to share with the rest of us. But please! If I have to read one more blog that is the exact same as the last 23 I read, I might end up going nuts and eating all the cereal in Safeway in my underpants before being carted off to the asylum. I also thank-you. Thank-you all for making me reflect upon my own writing, and for making me re-evaluate what I want people to think when they read my works. Perhaps ultimately I don’t want to be the individual. Perhaps I don’t want to be different. Because it seems it is ‘cool’ to be weird, to be eclectic and odd. Maybe I can be normal and middle-class, middle-man and middle-back seat. And in that way I will be different from everyone else. In the end I will be unique; just like the rest of you.
Now I’m just starting to piss myself off...
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